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Rebirth and Possession

ISBN : 9780000133144
Language :English
Edition : 2021
Page(s) : 300
Condition : New
2 out of 5 rating, based on 15 review(s)

Book Name in English : Rebirth and Possession

Would you believe if somebody says that, In their previous lives Amitab Bachan and Rewkha were Edwin Booth of American Theatre and his wife Mary Delvin; Indira Ghandhi was Nana Sahib, Churchill was Napolean, Hitler was Alexander great... ... ..

More than a third of the world’s people accept reincarnation as a fact of life. There is evidence gathered , from recent researches that reincarnation is not based on faith, religion, or belief systems.
Actually ,What happens after we die? In what states or planes of existence do we pass through? Can consciousness continue after death ? Will we ever be reborn? Why do we experience grief and joys, pains and pleasures? With the rising trends in suicides we wonder - Do the suicides achieve their objectives? We gain no meaning unless we seek answers to these vital questions. As a child enters this world, does it come here with a vacant mind. ? We see many cases , where siblings and even twins show wide variations in IQ as well as talents or soft skills, supposed to be inherited by birth. Here the concept of heredity fails miserably for its justification. What about the concept of rebirth.? It is not wise to ignore this.

Here is an attempt to find answers to these questions in general and on Rebirth and Possession in particular. Other major issues considered in this A to Z Analysis on Rebirth, are Cases involving Reincarnation of VIPs -Soul Journey from Lincoln to Lindbergh, Reincarnation in Bible, Celebrity Therapists & Researchers, NDE &OBE Researches , Child Prodigies , Karmic World Wide Web. , After Death Arena and Astral world secrets, Role of Free Will, Fate, Occult sciences like Astrology, Devil ,Exorcism, etc.
(My purpose is not to convince that reincarnation occurs for all of us. But some cases cited (in these 250plus cases mentioned ) are seen sufficiently evidential to conclude that reincarnation is by far the best explanation to accommodate many a known puzzling facts.)
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