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A Wanted Man

Language :English
Page(s) : 500
Condition : New
2 out of 5 rating, based on 10 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 499.00
Rs 449.00

Book Name in English : A Wanted Man

Jack Reacher has long since earned his prominent place in the pantheon of cool, smart-talking American heroes'
When you're as big and rough as Jack Reacher - and you have a badly set, freshly busted nose, patched with silver duct tape- it isn't easy to hitch a ride. But Reacher has some unfinished business in Virginia, so he doesn't quit. And at last he's picked up by three strangers- two men and a woman.
But within minutes it becomes clear they're all lying about everything- and then they run into a police roadblock on the highway. There has been an incident, and the cops are looking for the bad guys...
Will they get through because the three are innocent?
Or because the three are now four? Is Reacher just a decoy?
With his signature Swiss-watch plotting and heart-thumping suspense, A wanted man shows Lee Child at his sublimely skilful best.
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