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An Uncertain Glory

ISBN : 9781846147616
Language :English
Edition : 2013
Page(s) : 434
Condition : New
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Book Name in English : An Uncertain Glory

In dealing with India's multitude of problems, there may well be a temptation - but not a serious reason - for India to give up or reduce its long commitment to democracy, for which so many people have fought and out of which so much good has already come to the country. It is deeply disappointing that more use has not been made of the opportunities offered by a political democracy to solve the problems that so many Indians continue to face. The success of a democracy depends ultimately on the vigour of its practice, and with that in mind, the book presents material for informed and reasoned public engagement. The important task is not so much to find a New India, bu to contribute to making one.
spl prize 599/-
Penguin Books India
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