Book Name in English : Being Hearing Impaired - Challenges Aspirations Realities
Being Hearing Impaired: Challenges Aspiration Realities’ narrates the bitter life experiences of a hearing impaired person from his boyhood days. It leads the reader through the path treaded by many such physically challenged people. Beginning from the problematical student life, the narration progresses through the medical treatments he underwent, the impact of the failure of these on him, the mental tension he suffered on his friend-less days, the initiation of a writing career, the discrimination and neglect he faced from the employers of the IT sector, his participation in a number of job interviews and fairs, their outcomes etc. The book concludes with a positive note of expectation. Written based on the real life experiences and using different writing techniques, this book will help the reader to understand the mindset of physically challenged people and the problems they face in the society and workplaces.റ്റ
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