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Buried Thoughts One Life Many Stories

Publisher :DC Books
ISBN : 9788126477401
Language :English
Edition : 2023
Page(s) : 312
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 20 review(s)

Book Name in English : Buried Thoughts One Life Many Stories

Buried Thoughts : Each person’s life is a grand sum of a thousand tales, told and untold, with its uphills and downhills and with its bleakness and magnificence. Here, joseph is narrating his own life experience with staggering honesty and you feel that you are a part of the plot. They speak to us about love, remembrance, mistake and hope that motivate us to re-examine our lives and find meaning in it. With the turn of each page, the author gives off a sensation that no matter how dark dusk is, dawn is always waiting at the end of the horizon. However, his writing will captivate you till the end and force you to bring back the memories you have buried alive under the slab called “Life’’
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