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Constipation Causes and Cure

Language :English
Edition : 2012
Page(s) : 150
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 2 review(s)
Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 150.00

Book Name in English : Constipation Causes and Cure

In the present scenario constipation is most prevalent of all diseases. It’s a harbinger of various other diseases as well. Just like accumulation of dirt, dust and other waste at a site results in proliferation of harmful micro-organisms that pollute the environment, in a similar way accumulation of waste material in the body results in production of various harmful substances that pollute the internal milieu of human body. These harmful products affect the functioning of different organ systems thereby resulting in ill health. Constipation can cause various diseases that include nightfall, anorexia, anemia, piles, leucorrhoea, irregular menses, poor concentration, poor memory, persistent headache, backache and various ocular and dental problems. Constipation adversely affects the looks and beauty in females. In crude way constipation means that the functioning of one of the organ system that routinely dissipates the waste material is functioning very poorly. Constipation is usually the result of unnatural life style, aberrant living, faulty eating habits, outrageousness as well as defective daily routines. This book guides us that why constipation occurs & how we can cure this by changing our lifestyle, eating habits, by some natural medicines, yoga and holistic way.
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