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Dr Palpu The Champion of Justice

Publisher :Open Door Media
ISBN : 9788193764572
Language :English
Edition : 2019
Page(s) : 212 , Cover : Hardcover
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Rs 250.00
Rs 225.00

Book Name in English : Dr Palpu The Champion of Justice

His intelligence, powers of empathy and visionary zeal were so extraordinary that he stood head
and shoulders over most of his contemporaries . But so deep-rooted was his pity that his towering
self-confidence was always tempered by respect for fellow-humans. Dr Palpu was a colossus who
bestrode the narrow world of his times, without being affected by its pettiness or overwhelmed by
self-pride. Spiritual poise was second nature to him, as he went about his life, drawing inspiration
from his sattvik, mentors, and shouldering responsibilities unbidden, as much to alleviate the misery
of others as to elevate the condition of oppressed.
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