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Publisher :Saikatham Books
ISBN : 9789348274410
Language :English
Edition : 2024
Page(s) : 80
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 14 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 130.00
Rs 123.00

Book Name in English : Ephemeral

Sreepadmanabhan Vimal reveals an intense connect with nature, and through the engagement of the sublime, blends them into fine poems. There are delicate moments of beauty, truth, compassion, and empathy in each poem, that make you pause and reread them- a sure sign of his poetic gift on the rise. Sreepadmanabhan Vimal’s ability to dwell on the transient and the ephemeral has deep philosophic content. I’m sure that in the maturing years to come, he’ll turn his poetic talent and gift to something precious and proud for all of us who seek therapy and peace through poetry. No wonder then, that the young poet is already making a mark in his reader’s mind.
Gopikrishnan Kottoor
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