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Flavours of Spice Coast

Publisher :Manorama Books
ISBN : 9780000137708
Language :English
Page(s) : 500 , Cover : Hardcover
Condition : New
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Book Name in English : Flavours of Spice Coast

The South Western coast of India, famous for its spices, has been a cultural melting pot for thousands of years. Jews, Muslims and Christians and missionaries, came and stayed, adding their influences to the region’s cultural and cuisine. The recipes in this book draws upon this rich heritage to give us traditional vegetarian and non-vegetarian fare such as Avial, Kaalan, Fish Molee, Chicken Biriyani and Egg Roast. The book also contains recipes for popular breakfast dishes like Puttu and Appam, anytime snacks like Murukku and Banana Fritters and delicious desserts such as Paal Ada and tender coconut pudding. From street corner food like Trivandrum Chicken to the more adventurous fish with mango and fish in plantain leaf, here is an exciting array of the very best of cooking from the spice coast of India.
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