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God, Farmer and Spellbound Pambaa

Publisher :Folio Publishers
Language :English
Page(s) : 415
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 39 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 400.00
Rs 360.00

Book Name in English : God, Farmer and Spellbound Pambaa

Debut novel by a corporate professional on sabbatical, Krishna K’s God, Farmer and Spellbound Pambaa chronicles the lives of three generations of a Moncompu family in a narrative that is as eloquent as it is compulsive. The laid back lifestyle of the water- logged Moncompu, the transition of the once regal hub of Thiruvananthapuram from the traditional to the modern and the fast paced life of engineering campuses all form part of Krishna K’s riveting portrayal of the times.
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