Image of Book HAGAR
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Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9788190601948
Language :English
Edition : First
Page(s) : 106
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 2 review(s)
Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 100.00

Book Name in English : HAGAR

Hagar’s similitude is like that of a cloud filled with water and the same is to be driven by some wind to the dead earth where the seed of a life giving revolution lay buried, and at present it is a waste land covered by dead leaves, the “Pestilence stricken multitudes! So forlorn though, Hagar the mother had potency, potentiality required by the world, which has been dead and filled by the seeds inside, and covered and carpeted by dead yellow, pale leaves that had lost the vigour of life! Yes, here is a nightingale with who is a song unsung! A cloud that has reserved trickles to be poured in profusion as it is driven by the wind. Aye, Hagar stands for both, tears i.e. water and song that is message
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