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Himalayan Odyssey

ISBN : 9780000119339
Language :English
Edition : Sept 2019
Page(s) : 700
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 2 review(s)

Book Name in English : Himalayan Odyssey

In chronicling this epic journey through abiding though unseen narratives, which meld the cultural diversity of India into an over-arching unity, one senses a writer who encompasses within himself the roles of an uncompromising nature-worshiper, a non-conservative explorer into traditions, an inquisitive historian, an imaginative story-teller, a contemporary media person and a compassionate poet. Himalayan Odyssey, thus re-demarcates the margins of travel writing.

K. Satchidanandan

Translator: Sreekumari Ramachandran
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