Book Name in English : Icons of the Unseen
An icon is a visible expression of the invisible. It is theology in colour. A full-fledged artist, an adorer of art and insightful genius - that is the essence of Fr. Joy Elamkunnapuzha. His works undoubtedly highlight the spiritual in art where by they become instruments of contemplation. The symbols he has produced are but glimpses into the mystery which is otherwise shrouded by the cloud of unknowing. Through art he has been searching for attaining the visibility of the Unseen. Fr. Joy is a philsopher cum artist living only to create a new horizon where all the religions are brought together and presented in a beautiful form to give eternal peace to all. The tribal, dalit, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Islamic, Taoist and Tantric trends are woven harmoniously into his work. The simple and ingenuous articulation of profound theologies and cultural values in the language of the common man is one of the strongest points in his art work. That is ICONS of the UNSEEN.Write a review on this book!. Write Your Review about Icons of the Unseen Other InformationThis book has been viewed by users 2349 times