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Indian History

Publisher :McGraw-Hill
ISBN : 9789352606627
Language :English
Edition : 2017
Page(s) : 1000
Condition : New
2 out of 5 rating, based on 4 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 1,025.00
Rs 922.00

Book Name in English : Indian History

Indian History By Krishna Reddy which provides a comprehensive approach to the various aspects of the subject. This book is meant for Civil Services Preliminary and Main Examinations, State Civil Services Examinations and other competitive examinations where History is an important area.
In this new edition lot of care has been taken to present History as per the requirements of the latest trends in the Civil Services as well as State Civil Services examination trends. Apart from adding a very elaborate new chapter on “Culture” in the ancient section, special emphasis is given to highlighting socio-religious and cultural developments and concepts throughout the book. Moreover, the subject has been illustrated through more maps, photographs, diagrams, flowcharts to make it easily comprehendible.
Salient Features:
1. Divided into three sections, Ancient, Medieval and Modern history
2. Crucial concepts, policies, major turning points in history have been highlighted
3. New chapter on Culture (Chapter 8)
4. Important developments and ideas have been explained with the help of pictures and illustrations
5. Subject related important information about personalities, institutions, temples, festivals, cultural practices have been added
6. Illustrative maps wherever relevant
7. Includes genealogical tables
8. Includes 3000 questions (given at the end of chapters)
9. Includes appendix with content on
i) Personalities
ii) Glossary
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