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Kitab al-Iman- Book of Faith

Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9789675062285
Language :English
Page(s) : 482
Condition : New
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Book Name in English : Kitab al-Iman- Book of Faith

"This work is the first complete translation of the well known Kitab al-Imam, written by thirteenth-century scholar Ibn Taymiyyah. The concept of Iman (faith) is fundamental to Islam. It defines the nature of Muslim life and the essence of the religion as a whole. Ibn Taymiyyah's own deep conviction and understanding of Iman is based on interpretation of the Qur'an, Hadith, sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad, and the conduct of the pious ancestors of the first three centuries of Islam."
"Ibn Taymiyyah, translated by Salman Hassan al-Ani and Shadia Ahmad Tel"
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