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Publisher :Mango
Language :English
Page(s) : 110
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 95.00

Book Name in English : KRISHNA

Child , lover , rescuer , warrior , friend , guide – Krishna is the god who becomes what you want him to be . Lord Vishnu’s ninth avatar on earth is born with the mission to uphold dharma and defeat evil . A nightmare to his uncle even before birth and a lovable mischief-maker to his villagers , Krishna’s story provides the guidelines to living life as a mortal . The naughty butter-thief grows into the charming lover . The valiant vanquisher of evil flawlessly becomes the philosopher on the battlefield . In his time on earth , to fulfil his duty , Krishna defines his own morality and righteousness . This Mango Classic is the story of this practical , understanding and forgiving god whose life has been seamlessly weaved into the culture and customs of India .
Illustrated by K . R . Raji
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