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Kumaranalloor Sree Kartyayani Temple Legend and History

Publisher :VC Books
ISBN : 9788195103812
Language :English
Edition : 2021
Page(s) : 60
Condition : New
5 out of 5 rating, based on 1 review(s)

Book Name in English : Kumaranalloor Sree Kartyayani Temple Legend and History

This is a brief description of the legend and history of the Kumaranalloor Devi Temple. The first chapter gives the ‘Sankalpa’ or special concept of the deity which is that of ‘Mahamaya’ – the Supreme Goddess. Hinduism is probably the only religion that conceives the Ultimate Deity as Woman. It needs special mention because very few are really aware of it. Certain preliminary notions about Hinduism are also dealt with and explained in this context.The Second chapter is about the symbolism of the Temple structure. I have heavily relied on a book by Nitya Chaitanya Yati for this purpose. i.e. ‘An Intelligent Man’s Guide to Hinduism’.The third chapter is about the historical background which is also intricately intertwined with legend – a difficult section to deal with.The final chapter gives some well-known anecdotes and stories associated with the temple including the visit to the temple by the Father of our Nation – Mahatma Gandhi.
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