Image of Book Mappila Leader In Exile- A Political Biography Of Syed Fazl Tangal
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Mappila Leader In Exile- A Political Biography Of Syed Fazl Tangal

Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9789380081120
Language :English
Edition : 9789380081120
Page(s) : 208
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 7 review(s)

Book Name in English : Mappila Leader In Exile- A Political Biography Of Syed Fazl Tangal

There was one family in Malabar whose socio-religious standing the British authorities feared the most for its potential to inspire and mobilise the natives, especially Muslims, against the colonial rulers. It was the descendants of this family, including the most influential member of it, Syed Fazl Thangal, that the authorities furtively extradited to Arabia in March 1852 and ensured that they never returned to the coast of Malabar.
Who was this Syed Fazl Thangal? How and why he and his family including his famous father, Syed Alawi Thangal, a member of the Ba Alawi clan from Hadhramaut in Yemen, who arrived in Malabar in February 1768 and settled at Mamburam in Malappuram district, to be later known as the Mamburam Thangal, was an important figure in the history of Malabar and its anti-colonial
Author K.K.Muhammad Abdul Sathar
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