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Mt Everest

Publisher :Telbrain Books
ISBN : 9789389995602
Language :English
Edition : 2021
Page(s) : 300
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Rs 350.00
Rs 315.00

Book Name in English : Mt Everest

Standing on top of the world at an elevation of 8,848 meters, Mr. Nasser said: “Yes, it again proved to me that anything is possible. It is all about continuous
The Hindu, May 20, 2019
“ Abdul Nassar, a 42 - year-old expatriate from Kerala , has not only become an inspiration in his native area but also in Qatar among well qualified and
successful people “-
Gulf Times , Qatar , Cover Story on Sunday , December 23, 2018
The chartered accountant, who works in Qatar, recently became probably the first civilian from Kerala to scale Mount Everest on May 16. Nassar is also
a motivational speaker and author. The man, who was keen on sports since childhood, became a kung fu instructor by the time he was a college student.-
Times of India, May29, 2019.
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