Book Name in English : My Home Energey
Vastu Shastra is an ancient science of energies within constructed spaces, based on universal laws and the relationship
between nature and the environment, both inside and outside the built area. Bly understanding the principles of Vastu,
we can harmonize and transform the energy in our living and work spaces according to our needs, using simple tools
rooted in the five elements of nature, While not essential for daily living, Vastu Shastra is highly recommended for
enhancing well-being and promoting a healthier, more balanced life.
This was a science known to all the elders of Indian households and was passed down through generations.
Until the mid-20th century, our ancestors ensured that Vastu principles were followed during the construction or
modification of homes and buildings. Unfortunately, they were often unaware of the scientific reasoning behind this
knowledge, which led to its decline and eventual dismissal as mere superstition.
By learning and applying the basics of this ancient science, we can gain a greater sense of control over various
aspects of our lives such as our health, fortunes, and relationships to a significant extent. Vastu empowers us to
create more harmonious and balanced environments that positively influence our well-being.
The purpose of this book, My Home, My Energy. is to explain the science behind Vastu Shastra principles and provide
practical tools and techniques to help you energize your space, promoting a healthier and more peaceful lifestyleWrite a review on this book!. Write Your Review about My Home Energey Other InformationThis book has been viewed by users 32 times