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Open Ended

ISBN : 9780000144744
Language :English
Edition : 2024
Page(s) : 140
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 2 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 199.00
Rs 189.00

Book Name in English : Open Ended

he author is a retired University of Kerala official having postgraduate degrees in English Literature and Business Law. An advocate, environmentalist, singer, music historian & freelance writer, he has to his credit many features and interviews published in The New Indian Express and Kala Kaumudi. He is the founder Secretary of Malhaar Music Society, Thiruvananthapuram. He practises in Attingal Courts.

“The unpretentious style and brevity of language are a reflection of the author’s clarity of thought. Shri. Sureshkumar is able to articulate his evaluations and views on these varied topics without any need to pretend or impress.’ - K. Jayakumar I.A.S
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