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Publisher :Mango
ISBN : 9788126425488
Language :English
Page(s) : 110
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 95.00

Book Name in English : RAMAYANA

Was there ever a man so perfect , a ruler so noble , a son so devoted? Outrageous expectations perhaps but they all came true in Lord Rama . Lord Rama , the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu was born to reinstate dharma at a time when it was threatened . But the life of the heir to Ayodhya’s throne was one of endurance . Banished to the forest by his own father , Lord Rama , his divinely beautiful wife Sita and faithful brother Lakshmana settle down in Panchavati . Life seems peaceful . But will it stay this way? Why does trouble follow them? How and when will Lord Rama encounter the demon king Ravana? Written in a lucid style that is easy for children to read and with illustrations that transcend boundaries , this timeless epic is brought to you in a refreshingly new format . The book is more than just retelling the classic epic . It also gives the background of a unique ancient culture that has survived through centuries . The fresh new format awakens the imagination in the young readers by giving them certain interesting questions and themes from the story to ponder over .
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