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Soldierly Wisdom and Wits

Language :English
Edition : 2013
Page(s) : 48
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 40.00

Book Name in English : Soldierly Wisdom and Wits

Soldierly Wisdom and Wits
The book is s compilation of 14 Episods based on real life happenings written much after retirement and over a long period. Some of them were published abridged in the ‘weakend” supplement of Indian Express under the colomn ‘ share a laugh’ in the years 2005,and 2006.the auther was successfully highlighted the humour aspects or other wise serious incidents. An attractive narration in a simple layman’s languageand a unique style of his own. A book to read and escape from the tension around with a pleasant smile and lingering humourous thoughts.
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