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Sree Mookambika the radiant graces

Publisher :Integral Books
Language :English
Edition : 2014
Page(s) : 96
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 100.00

Book Name in English : Sree Mookambika the radiant grace

From immemorial , the temple of Mookambika , the divive mother has been a perennial source of mighty spiritual energy activating the dormant spiritual potertials of man in his evolutionary march towards fulfilment . The divine mother gives powerful stimulus to countless pilgrims in their quest for Blessedness perfection an freedom.
The book lucidely presents the salient features of invoking the Mother principal immanent in the universe . It expounds some subtil aspects of the hoary spiritual wealth and wisdom of India , her immortal vision and message to the whole humanity.
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