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Sri Ganesha

Publisher :Integral Books
Language :English
Edition : 2014
Page(s) : 144
Condition : New
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Price of this Book is Rs 150.00

Book Name in English : Sri Ganesha

According to Vedanta , from the primeval lntellegence- Energy vibration, Pranavam , symbolized by OHM , evolved the universe. The latent consciousness in matter sprang forth and evolved in the form of living beings finally reaching the human stage. The figure of Sri Ganesha along with his rat mount symbolizes the theme of the unfoldment
of consciousness.The Ganesha theme is a sign post that shows mankind the way of directing the evolutionary energy to reinforce and realize the grater potentials . The strange form of Ganesha represents the Divine Power that prompts consciousness locked in earth to express its greater dimensions through living beings and equips the human being to transcend the obstacles in the material and spiritual dimensions till one evolves to be the unconditioned Reality.
“Science without religion is lame: religion without science is blind.“
Albert Eienstien

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