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Sycamore Row

Language :English
Edition : 2014
Page(s) : 550
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Rs 399.00
Rs 359.00

Book Name in English : Sycamore Row

Jake Brigance has never met Seth Hubbard, or indeed even heard of him. until the old man's suicide note names him attorney for his estate. The will is dynamite. Seth as left ninety percent of his vast, secret fortune to his housemaid.
As the relatives contest the will and unscrupulous lawyers hasten to benefit. Jake searches for answers to the many questions left by Seth Hubbard's death:
What made him write that last-minute will leaving everything to a poor black woman named Lettie Lang?
Why did he choose to kill himself in the desolate piece of land once known as Sycamore Row?
And what was it that Seth and his brother witnessed as children that, in his words, 'no human should ever see?
In the long awaited successor to the novel that launched his phenomenal career, John Grisham brings us the powerful sequel to A time to Kill. As filled with page-turning twists as it is with legal mastery. Sycamore Row proves beyond doubt that Grisham is in a league of his own
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