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The colour of Death And Other Poems

Publisher :Saindhava Books
ISBN : 9788119397839
Language :English
Edition : 2025
Page(s) : 74
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 4 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 150.00
Rs 142.00

Book Name in English : The colour of Death And Other Poems

Every good poet has a distinct way of poetizing life. So does P.R.Gopinathan Nair. He is one of those poets in Malayalam who imbibed modern poetic sensibilities while remaining rooted in one’s tradition. His themes and re-weaving of myth, folklore, and tradition in his poems express the whole gamut of human feelings and emotions. Detached observation is the hallmark of his poetry. His style, sometimes spiced with sarcasm, is sympathetic and pointed. This anthology showcases some of his memorable poems. A poet like him deserves wider consideration. This translation is both a hope and a step in that direction.
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