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The Complete Collection Volume 3

Publisher :Amarchitrakatha
ISBN : 9789350851340
Language :English
Page(s) : 7500
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 1 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 5,000.00
Rs 4,500.00

Book Name in English : The Complete Collection Volume 3

he Golden Sand, The Green Demon, The Celestial Necklace, The Pious Cat – find the best of fables and stories in this collection of 100 titles. Also included are the tales about inspiring women like Bhanumati, Ahilyabai Holkar, Subhadra and others who have made a mark in history. This collection includes the following titles :- Agastya, Ahilyabai Holkar, Albert Einstein, Andhaka, Andher Nagari, Babur, Bagha Jatin, Baji Rao I, Baladitya And Yashodharma, Banda Bahadur, Bappa Rawal, Basaveshwara, Beni Madho And Pir Ali, Bhanumati Chandralalat, Chennamma Of Keladi, Chokha Mela, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Dhola And Maru, Durgadas, Durgesh Nandini, Ellora Caves, Ghanshyamdas Birla, Guru Arjan, Hakka & Bukka, Hemu, Hothal, Indra And Vritra , J.r.d Tata, Jagannatha Of Puri, Jallianwala Bagh, Jamsetji Tata, Jnaneshwar, Kalpana Chawla , Kanwal And Kehar, Kapala Kundala, Kochuni, Kumanan, Kunwar Singh, Manduka- The Lucky Astrologer, Manonmani, Marie And Pierre Curie , Megasthenes, Mother Teresa, Parashurama, Pareekshit, Prabhavati, Pradyumna, Prince Jivaka, Purushottam Dev & Padmavati, Raj Singh, Raja Raja Chola, Ramanuja, Rani Abbakka, Ranjit Singh, Rash Behari Bose, Roopmati, Sakshi Gopal, Sambhaji, Satwant Kaur, Sea Route To India, Shankar Dev, Shantala, Sharan Kaur, Sher Shah, Shrenik, Subhadra, Subramania Bharati, Sukanya, Sukhu And Dukhu, Sultana Razia, Sundari, Swami Chinmayananda, Tachholi Othenan, Tapati, The Adventures Of Agad Datta, The Adventures Of Pratapan, The Celestial Necklace, The Clever Dancer, The Fearless Boy, The Fools Disciples, The Golden Sand, The Green Demon, The Lost Prince, The Miraculous Conch, The Mystery Of The Missing Gifts, The Parijata Tree, The Pig And The Dog, The Pious Cat, The Prince And The Magician, The Prophecy, The Queens Necklace, The Rani Of Kittur, The Secret Of The Talking Bird, The Silent Teacher, The Tiger Eater, Tipu Sultan, Velu Thampi, Vidyut Chora, Zarathushtra
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