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The Forgotten Name

Publisher :H and C Books
ISBN : 9780000155375
Language :English
Page(s) : 112
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 4 review(s)
Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 100.00

Book Name in English : The Forgotten Name

’The forgotten name’, a collection of 16 stories, takes you on a disquieting ride that rises, falls, twists and turns through a spectrum of human emotions. From forgetting things that should be remembered to committing sins that should not be pardoned, these characters strike the right chord in the heart of readers, with their distress, anguish, grief and anger. Here, they are in relentless search for a ray of hope - a flash of light - in the stark and freezing darkness that surrounds them. Interminable cries, prolonged sighs and unfathomable lamentations reverberate between the folios of this book. These tales are salutations to the indomitable spirit within us that fights against the unbearable hardness of being!
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