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The Freethinkers Prayerbook

Language :English
Page(s) : 600
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 1 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 495.00
Rs 445.00

Book Name in English : The Freethinkers Prayerbook

Once you have decided not to bow to any gods, and if you have a good bullshit detector, it is possible to separate the sublime from the ridiculous and derive inspiration from the words of prophets and poets, gurus and rogues, grave men and clowns. There is a lot to be learned from both the sacred and the profane. I have done that nearly all my life and put down in my notebooks hundreds of lines from different sources that appealed to me... I offer them to you as life codes from an ancient and unrepentant agnostic. Read them with an open mind and an open heart.'
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