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The Kill List

ISBN : 9780552170154
Language :English
Edition : 2013
Page(s) : 449
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 1 review(s)

Book Name in English : The Kill List

The Kill List is a top-secret catalogue of names held at the highest level of the US government of men and women who threaten the world's security. Topping the list is The Preacher, a radical Islamic cleric whose sermons inspire his followers to kill high-profile Western targets in the name of God. As the bodies begin to pile up in America, Great Britain and across Europe, the message goes out discover this man's identity, locate him and take him out. This seemingly impossible task is given to an ex-marine known only as The Tracker. To unmask The Preacher he must gather what scant evidence there is, throw out the bait and see whether his deadly target can be drawn from his fair... From the writer who invented the modern thriller when he wrote the Day of the Jackal - the book that broke the mould' Lee Child - comes another mesmerizing slice of action - packed adventure. The Kill List takes you deep into the secret and deadly world of global terrorism and with breathtaking flair shown you what really goes on behind the newspaper headlines..
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