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The Miracle of Dialogue

Language :English
Page(s) : 120
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 14 review(s)
Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 115.00

Book Name in English : The Miracle of Dialogue

Mohan Mathew provides an insightful corrective to the western approach which often emphasises science, technology and speed at the expense of love intimacy and dialogue. Increasing incidence of heart disease goes in hand with deadening of love and intimacy. Mathew differentiates and described in detail four levels of dialogue and presents the techniques and methods to regain our capacity for loving contact in these four areas of life. When your heart touches the heart of another—your spouse, your child, your dog or your cat—in an unconditional loving embrace, your arteries open, blood flows freely and you experience the warmth of comforting love. Read this book if you are interested in strengthening your heart and experience the healing power of love
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