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Publisher :Mango
Language :English
Page(s) : 110
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 95.00

Book Name in English : THE TEMPEST

A storm , a shipwreck , an enchanted island … A violent storm shipwrecks the King of Naples and his noblemen on what appears to be an uninhabited island . What the king doesn’t know is that they have been brought here by powerful magic . Prospero , the mysterious ruler of the island , has a plan , but will he use his magic for good or bad against the castaways? His daughter , Miranda , has never seen another man except her father . What will she think of the stranger who stumbles into her life? Prospero’s monstrous servant , Caliban , sees a chance to overthrow his master . Will he succeed? Enchantment and treachery are everywhere on the island – which will prove the stronger?
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