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Theodore Boone The Activist

ISBN : 9781444763515
Language :English
Edition : 2013
Page(s) : 289
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Rs 250.00
Rs 225.00

Book Name in English : Theodore Boone The Activist

But sometimes the law doesn't seem so just. His friend Hardie Quinn is about to have his family home bulldozed to make way for a bypass. Hardie is not the only one affected: other homes. businesses and schools lie in the path of the road. Theo has to tell his friend the bad news for once, the law isn't on his side, and there's very little anyone can do to end the destruction.
But when Theo stumbles on a terrible secret about the corrupt men behind the plan - a secret it is illegal for him to know-he must figure out how to keep the developers from breaking the law....
special price 150/-
Hodder Children’s Books
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