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Trials and Tribulations An Engineer in Public Service

Publisher :Open Door Media
ISBN : 9788193219638
Language :English
Edition : 2008
Page(s) : 190 , Cover : Hardcover
Condition : New
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Rs 275.00
Rs 247.00

Book Name in English : Trials and Tribulations An Engineer in Public Service

This book is subtle exploration of question
‘Can a fulfilling career be founded on personal integrity, professional competence and a sense of
social responsibility?’
It traces Prabhakaran’s journey from a marginal farmer’s family in rural b Kerala of pre-indipendance
India to some of the most challenging civil engineering projects in modern India.
The journey included building border roads in the Himalayas and the massive infrastructure for the
Indian Space Program. Prabhakaran retired as the Chief Engineer, Department of Space,
Government of india.
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