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Words of Wisdom for our World

Language :English
Page(s) : 50
Condition : New
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Price of this Book is Rs 33.00

Book Name in English : Words of Wisdom for our World

The world is rich with many good books, but the difficulty is that people have little time to read them all. If the knowledge and experience are to benefit the busy world, they must be presented in a nutshell. And that is precisely what The Precautions and Counsels of St. John of the Cross does. Thomas Merton once described this work as “the most detailed and concrete and practical set of rules for arriving at religious perfection I have ever seen”. Yet many today need assistance in discovering the treasures these brief works contain. In this book Susan Muto continues her efforts to open up the riches of John of the Cross for modern audiences. She shows how these challenging texts, first written for sixteenth century friars and nuns, are firmly rooted in the values of Gospel, and offer essential practical and spiritual wisdom for contemporary men and women of every age and way of life.
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