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Youth and Truth - Unplug with Sadhguru

ISBN : 9789354895401
Language :English
Edition : 2022
Page(s) : 250
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Rs 199.00
Rs 179.00

Book Name in English : Youth and Truth - Unplug with Sadhguru

What happens when millennials meet a mystic? An avalanche of queries and an unflinching stream of answers. In this compilation of five talks from Youth and Truth events, Sadhguru fields questions that are quirky, personal, profound and shockingly bold from university students.

In a camaraderie bridging age, they adventure through a mind-boggling spectrum of subjects like romance and sexuality, loneliness and jealousy, parenting and education, career and business, politics and spirituality, artificial intelligence, racism, drugs, food, Yogic sciences, and god-making. Equally wide-ranging is the mood of the talks - from playfulness and hilarity to moments of gobsmacked speechlessness, dawning clarity and paradigm shifts, all infused with the fizzing energy of youth.
Here is a book not just for youth, but for the youthful in search of truth.
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