Image of Book ആ‌ന്‍ ഫ്രാങ്ക് ദി ഡയറി ഓഫ് എ യങ്ങ് ഗേള്‍
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ആ‌ന്‍ ഫ്രാങ്ക് ദി ഡയറി ഓഫ് എ യങ്ങ് ഗേള്‍

ISBN : 9780141007212
Language :English
Page(s) : 428
Condition : New
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Book Name in English : Ann Frank The Diary of a Young Girl

The Diary of a Young Girl remains the single most poignant true-life story to emerge from the second World War. In July 1942, thirteen-year-old Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the horrors of Nazi occupation, went into hiding in an Amsterdam warehouse. Over the next two years Anne vividly described in her diary the frustrations of living in such confined quarters. This unabridged, definitive text provides a deeply moving and unforgettable portrait of Anne Frank - an ordinary and yet extraordinary teenage girl.
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