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നോട്ട്സ് ഫ്രം ദി പ്രിസണ്‍

Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9788190601986
Language :English
Page(s) : 500
Condition : New
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Book Name in English : Notes from the Prison

Notes from the Prison 1983-1988
Notes from the prison is Alija Ali lzetbegovic’sspiritual escape to freedom. Being politically imprisoned by the communist regime in Yugoslavia, For long years in Focc Jail in Sarjavo, the former President of Boznia Herezegovina, Alija Ali lzetbegovic jotted down these immersuarably valuable notes on diverse topics. He saved the notes the searching eyes of jailers and smuggled out all the 13 note books with the help of a fellow prisoner. A book with irresistible imotional charm and intellectual provocation of powerful epigrammatic ponderings, Notes from prison offers outatanding unique reading,both in form and content.
-Alija Ali lzetbegovic
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