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ഫ്രാക്ച്ചുവേഡ് റ്റൈംസ്

ISBN : 9781408704288
Language :English
Edition : 2013
Page(s) : 320
Condition : New
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Book Name in English : Fractured Times

Arguably Britain's most respected historian of any kind, one of a tiny handful of historians of any era to enjoy genuine national and world renown... Both in his knowledge of detail and in his extraordinary powers of synthesis, Eric Hobsbawm was unrivalled GUARDIAN One of the greatest British historians of his age... For sheer intellectual firepower and analytical skill, Hobshawm remained unsurpassed DAILY TELEGRAPH A magisterial historian of the modern age... Eric Hobsbawm pioneered the study of popular protest, riot and revolt, and his writings were as important to social scientists as to historians' THE TIMES
special prize 599/-
pub Little Brown
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