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ബ്രെയി‌ന്‍ ടീസേഴ്സ് ഇ‌ന്‍ മാത്തമാറ്റിക്സ്

Language :English
Page(s) : 192
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 43 review(s)
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Price of this Book is Rs 90.00

Book Name in English : Brain Teasers in Mathematics

A journey through the varous branches of mathematics- number theory to topology: grouptheory to fuzzy systems- via a collection of 64 problems encompassing these fields(FULLY EXPLAINED AND SOLVED)
“ I would rather discover a single fact, even a small one, than debate the greate issues at length without discovering anything at all.”
GALILEO GALILEI ഗലീലിയോ ഗലീലി.
A handbook that is a must for every student of Mathematics
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