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സൂപ്പര്‍ ബ്രെയി‌ന്‍

Language :English
Page(s) : 700
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 1 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 599.00
Rs 539.00

Book Name in English : Super Brain

In this trailblazing book, two pioneers in health - Dr. Deepak Chopa and Prof. Rudolph Tanzi come together for the first time. Drawing on the very latest findings of enuroscience, they offer a new, parctical vision of the brain and show how to understand, and use, it to achieve optimum physical, mental and spiritual well being.
Think of your brain as a grand piano; there is no biological difference between your instrument and Einstein's Chopra and Tanzi teach you how to play it like a maestro and unleash the explosive power of your very own super brain.
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