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സ്വര്‍ഗ്ഗം തേടി നിരാശയോടെ

Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9789380081878
Language :Malayalam
Edition : First
Page(s) : 452
Condition : New
5 out of 5 rating, based on 1 review(s)

Book Name in English : Swargam Thedi Nirashayode

Foreword: Ajay P Mangadu: 'In fact, Paradise is not a destination; it is rather a way of endless seeking. Just as we can't stop living, our seeking of the paradise can never be stopped. It's an optimistic moving ahead into the new secrets of life.'
Ziauddin Sardar is one of the towering Muslim intellectuals in the world. Sardar, an author of more than 40 books on science, religion, contemporary culture etc, gives in this extremely readable autobiography a heart-rending account of his life. The book is also a memoir of his journey into the Islamic world. He set out on this journey, when he was a student in London, with a thirst for understanding the contemporary meaning and relevance of his religion and with a hope of reaching the paradise. In the emotional exuberance of 70s, he had brush with Sufism, the tradition of mysticism in Islam, and with classical Islam in the company of a group of students guided by a Sudanese scholar. He then travels on and on into the Muslim world. He comes to live with the Muslims in Iran, West Asia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Turkey, North Africa and China and has dialogues with their beliefs. Sardar illustrates in this book earnestly and painstakingly the golden era of Islam, when its culture and civilization reached their peak.
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