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Beauty in the Words- Exploring Comparative Aesthetics in Poetry

ISBN : 9780000157829
Language :English
Edition : 2024
Page(s) : 146
Condition : New
5 out of 5 rating, based on 1 review(s)

Book Name in English : Beauty in the Words: Exploring Comparative Aesthetics in Poetry

A poem is not a direct outpouring of the poet; it is an arrangement of words evoking sensuous images and through them, ideas of certain characters are unified by a single dominant emotional quality and a host of transient moods contribute to the impression of the dominant emotion. The poet does not describe emotional states; he suggests them by describing the actions and behavior of the characters. He resorts to figures of speech, rhyme, rhythm, symbolization, and other rhetorical devices to objectify his experience. Once he objectifies his experience by concretely embodying it in an adequately individualized pattern of imagery it becomes universal.
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