Book Name in English : Educational Empowerment of Kerala Muslims
Prof. U. Mohammed (b.1933), former principal, Farook collage, Calicut (Kerala) holds a Master’s Degree in English and a Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching, besides a post graduation diploma in English Studies from the CIEFL, Hyderabad. Starting his career as a teacher, he later served in the ministry of education, New Delhi for about 10 years dealing with several educational and cultural schemes. Coming back to teaching in 1966, he served Farook collage during 1966-83 as a lecturer/professor and as Principal during 1983-88. After retirement he has worked on several UGC Fellowships on topics related to the teaching of English to educationally and socially backward children. During 2003-05 Prof. Mohammed was awarded a senior fellowship by the ICHR, New Delhi to work on a project: Educational Empowerment of Kerala Muslims-A Socio-Historical perspective. The present volume being published by with ICHR financial support, is a printed version of the above work. His smaller publications are related to subjects like education, reservation, minority questions, Sachar committee report and the like. Prof. Mohammed has contributed liberally to local newspapers and journals on topics of interests to backward, minorities like Kerala Muslims. The present work is a critical analysis of Kerala Muslim problems from a socio-historical perspective. It is expected that the book will be of interest to students of Kerala history and research workers in the field.Write a review on this book!. Write Your Review about Educational Empowerment of Kerala Muslims Other InformationThis book has been viewed by users 2741 times