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F2 Factor

ISBN : 9788198072214
Language :English
Edition : 2024
Page(s) : 456
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 2 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 499.00
Rs 474.00

Book Name in English : F2 Factor

What do you do when life slams you with the BIGGEST PLOT TWIST?
When your best laid-out plans fall apart, turning your life upside down and You are no longer steering the course of your own life?
Join Freya Majid on her capricious journey as she finds herself embroiled in a bizarre situation that’s too hard to wrap her head around-Her puzzled past, unfulfilled dreams, a list of adventures left unchecked and the weirdest irony of all: the love and romance she never wished to be part of
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