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Fun with Suppandi -Pack of 5-

Publisher :Amarchitrakatha
ISBN : 9789350852811
Language :English
Page(s) : 300
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 19 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 185.00
Rs 166.00

Book Name in English : Fun with Suppandi -Pack of 5-

Suppandi is one of the very first comic characters to have appeared in Tinkle and has been a popular figure among children and adults alike, for over three decades. He is all about proactive thinking and literal obedience and has a natural talent to bungle everything around him. Suppandi 48 (pack of 5) gives Suppandi a whole new life, more friends, family, interests and new jazzy professions where he can carry out his bungling! His alter ego Super Suppandi makes his debut in Suppandi 48. The magazine is the last word in everything nonsense. So there are wacky brain teasers, crazy puzzles, Bee Czar Isms, Meddles in the Middle, Speechless and plenty of fun stuff never seen before.
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