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Lotus of Oceans

Publisher :Grand Books
Language :Malayalam
Page(s) : 300
Condition : New
2 out of 5 rating, based on 7 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 250.00
Rs 225.00

Book Name in English : Lotus of Oceans

Each of us in a voyage, wandering aimlessly in the ocean of life. A few of us may adore the Lotuses blooming in those blue waters. Sometimes the ship may sink before we reach those flowers. This is a unique novel, very delightful, based on the artistic, cultural, literary and social atmosphere of Kerala.A symphony composed of verbal virtuosity, an ocean of music. A narration illuminating the realistic life of devoted classical artists and their arts. An enchanting and captivating reflection of many a love story, spontaneosly overflowing like full-moon-light. This interesting, wonderful literary work satisfies the aesthetic sense of the readers. Laced with humour, riveting readability overwhelms by its exuberance and excellence.
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