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Mahabharata For Children

Publisher :DC Books
ISBN : 9789353900328
Language :English
Edition : 2019
Page(s) : 262 , Cover : Hardcover
Condition : New
5 out of 5 rating, based on 1 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 499.00
Rs 449.00

Book Name in English : Mahabharata For Children

A roll of the dice, a bet that should not have been made, a game of high stakes, changes the lives of the Pandavas forever. Mahabharata for Children is a fascinating retelling of the famous epic abounding with bravery and betrayal, love and loss, valour and cowardice. The rivalry that arises from the struggles of dynastic succession dismisses brotherhood for power and the duties that bind one. The Great War of Kurukshetra between the Pandavas and the Kauravas reveals a parable that shows the greatest weaknesses and strengths of human race.
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