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Mahatma Gandhi Autobiography The Story Of My Experiments With Truth

Publisher :FingerPrint
ISBN : 9788172343118
Language :English
Edition : 2018
Page(s) : 450
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 7 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 175.00
Rs 157.00

Book Name in English : Mahatma Gandhi Autobiography The Story Of My Experiments With Truth

The Story of My Experiments With Truth is an autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi, though his intention of writing this work was sharing the experience and experiments he faced throughout his life to perceived absolute truth but later on finalization this book takes a best place of his autobiography. Today Gandhi is a name that contains complete philosophy of life, struggle, truth and ahimsa and this book works as a mirror to Gandhi’s Life. Starting from his early days as a boy, going to a child marriage, studies in England, practice in South Africa, his struggles and Satyagraha in India and ultimately the independence movement and independence of India, this book goes throughout this complete history from the eyes of Gandhi.
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